Thursday, January 21, 2010

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

V. I. Lenin always welcomed outrageous Czarist attempts to stifle popular dissent. According to the arcane Marxist tenets of dialectical materialism, extremely bad behavior by the corporate owned fascist Right only provokes swifter Revolution by the proletarian masses. Capital AARrrrrrr... (^^;)

So when Nikita Khruschev famously told Richard Nixon, "We will bury you," his folksy, off-the-cuff Rooskie witticism flew straight over the notoriously low-browed Tricky Dick's head and buried itself in the inflamed, sensitive heart of the John Birch Society, who didn't understand it either. What's "dialectical materialism," anyway? Even a Stravinksy-plinking piano abusing student of recent Soviet history so notable as Condaleezza Rice somehow entirely missed that subtlety.

Heh. I'm not sure the Supremes blew it as severely as the incandescent glow coming off the MS-NBC and Faux Snooze cable channels might lead you to believe. I'm fairly sure:
  • no one gave corporations the right to vote,
  • or to carry arms,
  • or to flog employees for voting "wrong,"
  • or to hire Blackwater to pollwatch the ballot box —
  • just to shoot their corporate mouths off.
  • And as we all know, that gets old very quickly.
So the Republic is probably safe. But Scalia and the Bobbleheads definitely made the wrong kind of history today. If anyone dies because of it, it was as breathtakingly bad as Dred Scott. Till then... Act up, kiddies. Act up.

Probably because it's bunk. Not that Hegel wrote correct bunk, or "better" bunk, mind. It's all bunk. You may speak of thesis, antithesis and synthesis because these are proper English words which carry metaphorical freight, but as the driving natural laws of Nature? Sorry, that's unobservable, like German Romanticism (the previous view of Nature, ptolemaic nonsense to Darwin's copernican clarity), or modern "scientific creationism," i.e., wishful thinking. I fault the dimly-gifted Rice for failing to notice that illogic (especially one's own illogic) is still a perfectly good motive for dangerous policy.

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