Friday, November 21, 2008

Harkin predicts Clinton will be Secretary of State?

What is this? Delusions of relevance? Or preparing the base for a ridiculous Gilbert & Sullivan turn of events?

Harkin, you will recall, was a stalwart for Bill during the Clinton impeachment proceedings. That was not just payback for an eleventh hour Bill Clinton bacon-saving moment during Harkin's tight run in 1996 against arch-Catholic Jim Ross Lightfoot — I suspect Harkin genuinely likes Bill & Hillary.

Tom was never above getting splashed with a dash of ink, neither. So who knows?

But I hope he's wrong, and the Bad Ship Lollipop never sails. On the merits, Clinton can best serve (and best be served by) the United State Senate, not a bad gig in itself.

Arr, Cap'n! It's mighty bad luck, havin' wimmink aboard!



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