Friday, November 07, 2008

Friends Frenzy

Obama has lots of friends now. Lots and lots of friends. Full of friendly advice. Hey, after Halloween comes Thanksgiving and then Christmas, right? Ho, ho, ho. Then New Year's.

Strangest idea I've heard so far is Colin Powell for Secretary of Education, unless that's an in joke about re-educating the neocon goons clogging up the corridors of Defense, State, C.I.A., Justice, NSA and the U.S. Naval Observatory. Really? Straight up? Education? What a waste!

Not so strange, and not even so unexpected, comes the news that Laura Bush is the Bush Administration closet activist behind marine conservation in northwest Hawaii and the Marianas. I thought it was one of the daughters, kind of a school project sort of thing. But no, she seems to be battling it out with Cheney to get the Marianas thing done before time expires on W. Do it, George! Even a tiny legacy is better than nothing good at all.

Please, please, please don't make Tom Harkin Secretary of Agriculture. He's only good at being a Senator from Iowa and chairman of the Senate Ag Committee — except I'm not seeing the kind of honeybee awareness the $80 billion U.S. fruit industry needs. We might have fewer than Obama's first four years to save commercial angiosperm pollinators in the Northern hemisphere, if that's still possible. My money is on non-domesticated feral populations of killer bees as our last remaining hope. That's one illegal immigrant we need! I favor tiny green cards for all Africanized honeybees who cross over from Mexico this year.

That, and taking away Blackwater's license to kill in Iraq. What brain trust thought up the idea of privatizing the U.S. infantry anyway? They should be shot for treason. The U.S. Congress declares (and pays for) war, not some Alabama gun nut with a greenback-happy friend in the White House. RTF Constitution.



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